It's been a long while since I've done a personal ad. A fun writing exercise and an obtuse and ineffective way to find a mate.
Are you tired of
your bog standard, run-of-the-mill guy, filling your heart with hopes
and dreams and mostly lies while you spend another cold Saturday night
in the presence of an unringing phone? Are you tired of Netflix 'n'
Jillin' with your blindfold on so you can imagine a half-decent lover is
in the room while you play with your Bird Box? Are you seriously
considering inviting an Indian call scammer, with the offer of marriage
and citizenship, just because they're the only men still willing to call
you? Have you had it dealing with these dick-picture direct-messaging
hordes? Are you tired of being cheated on by liars and left for girls
half your age? Now's the time to do something different. Now's the time
to go for what you falsely claimed to have always wanted: a man who is
open and honest.
I am an anomaly, the open and honest man. You
have worn your grandmother's quilted blanket thin, it's time to let her
and her memory go. It's time to leave your comfort zone and your thrift
shop romance novel notions behind. You can't have your knight in shining
armor, but maybe you can have a man who has seen The Shining 14 times.
Try something new, you may stand to learn something about yourself. I'm
not offering a relationship, I am offering an education. Like the work
of Nassim Nicholas Taleb, you will learn through via negativa. Negative
space. You will learn all about what not to want in men. I am the Black
Swan in the fourth quadrant. Let's face it, if you're reading this
profile you're not where you want to be. This is your life, and it's
ending one Fight Club reference at a time. Did you laugh at that? You're
too old not to reply to this. Your ego is the only knight you know
along with the 45 lb sword you carry called dignity. It's time to leave
them both behind.
I'll be honest and open. You are great. You're
still reading. You are an interesting woman. You’re patient, articulate,
and industrious. Only continue if you are a goddess. Deep down, you
know you are sacred. You are worthy of worship. You are a temple. But
what is a temple if not something to be repeatedly stepped on? So you are a
beautiful stepping stone there for support as I reach for more
attractive and emotionally fulfilling women. What? Those are your words
not mine. Is it really gaslighting if you agree with it? Being worshiped is about service. You get to be Jesus, by
footwashing and providing me with bread and wine. Sure, maybe you can't
like him create endless fish, but you can take me to Red Lobster for Endless Shrimp.
Now a relationship is like gainful
employment and if you're like me you've tried to avoid these for too
long now. But you are a liberal. You're a great woman, you're generous,
you're charitable. You believe in the cause. You believe in the
Ocasio-Cortez. You believe in the Fight For $15 standard for minimum
wage. Which is why if you make less than $15 an hour, please begone.
You must practice what you preach. Stop spending your days swiping left
on your phone on 5 ft 4-in beta males thinking some Chad is going to
waste his Superlike on you. And even when it is your turn for your one
night stand, you won't have enough experience to lay out a proper
contract. You'll end up f—ked by the freelancer because you have no
union, and subsequently no civil union. Put in your hours with me and
nine other beta males, ascend the social hierarchy. Use this experience
to gain a better position, or marry the first one to create an app.
Life: solved.
Well let's be honest. You're not that attractive.
Women in the real world are swarmed with men. They are accosted and
propositioned at work, at school, at home by their stepfather, and
catcalled on the street. If a damsel was lost in the desert and started
crying, terrifying erections would begin sprouting from the sand. Maybe
you're the unicorn with low self-esteem, but most likely you are either:
physically have the body type of a standing croissant, your best friend
is a voice in your head telling you you are not in fact mentally ill,
or you owned dogs too long and cannot convey emotion with a proper human
being. Or you have a child which is the same as all three combined. Physically and
emotionally able-bodied and able-minded women don't generally require
dating profiles. But you know what one sexy trick transcends all of
these attributes? Owning your flaws and who you are.
Let's go
through the processes here. What's the least attractive part of a woman?
Her child, obviously. Do you have kids? I have a motto about single
moms. Kids are like gunshots: one, you'll probably pull through, two:
outlook is not so good, three or more: you're not going to make it. The
second heuristic I have is, each kid removes exactly one point from your
total potential on a 10-point scale. So if you have three kids you need
to be a perfect 10 in personality and looks to be a 7. Now, every man
feels this way, they just don't have the time to come up with these
illuminating rational explanations, let alone the heart to relay them to
you. So in order to be loved as a mom you need to be either close to
perfect, rich, or willing to abandon your offspring (which is just
long-form for “perfect” [a sense of humor also helps]).
Now you
always hear in the western world the same question, why are women so
unhappy? In America they are the most liberated, free, and educated.
There is an answer. The second biggest flaw outside of children and the
biggest creator of female unhappiness is called dignity. Be self-aware,
and eradicate dignity. Learn to wear your slut on your sleeve, but you can't because you're not wearing any. Oh no, but you'll be used. You can be
the dignified fine China sitting forever in a showcase cabinet, or you
can be the dog bowl the human animal really wishes to be. Or maybe
you're a paper plate, or restaurant-grade ceramic. Success comes from
many failures. Try them all before deciding who you are.
That's my pitch. Find yourself fastest through what you are not. How did Michael Angelo sculpt his masterpiece? He chipped away at everything that wasn't David. Go for broke, often literally, with say a gangly nervous guy with the skin tone of pizza, let him get some. He's disease-free and you'll change his life and your own capacity for empathy. Or me, I'm a mix of Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, and a hedgehog being tickled. All I want is someone to walk hand-in-hand with me as we explore the natural world and the vacant former estates of Jeffrey Esptein for evidence of human trafficking to report to the FBI but we can't because they're in on it. We could try yoga, or pilates, or study the genocide of the Tutsis, or the work of Miyazaki. Life is a tapestry and the best ones require two to handle.
You had me at beautiful stepping stone. Let's go out